Details for A114136
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Animal information
Located At: Hesperia Animal Shelter
Description: My name is (Rescue Only).
I am a female, black Border Collie mix.
I am a female, black Border Collie mix.
Age: My age is unknown.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Jan 09, 2025.
Red Status
Animals marked status red are in imminent need for rescue/adoption and in danger of being euthanized if not picked up by a rescue/adopter. Contact the rescue coordinator during business hours immediately to facilitate pickup if you are interested in a red tagged animal.
Red Status
Animals marked status red are in imminent need for rescue/adoption and in danger of being euthanized if not picked up by a rescue/adopter. Contact the rescue coordinator during business hours immediately to facilitate pickup if you are interested in a red tagged animal.
Data Updated: This information was refreshed 54 minutes ago.
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Shelter information
Location: Hesperia Animal Shelter
Phone Number: (760) 947-1700
Address: 11011 Santa Fe Avenue East
Hesperia, CA 92345
Hesperia, CA 92345