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Details for A2571626

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Animal information


Animal Name: MOUSE
Located At: Miami-Dade Animal Services
Kennel Number: F18
Description: I am a neutered male, black and brown Terrier.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Jul 01, 2024.
I am in foster care, but still available for adoption! Please contact Miami-Dade Animal Services for more information.

Data Updated: This information was refreshed 17 hours ago.

Help Miami-Dade Animal Services find a new loving home for me and more animals like me. Donate Now!

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Shelter information
Location: Miami-Dade Animal Services
Phone Number: (305) 884-1101
Address: 3599 NW 79 Avenue
Doral, FL 33122

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