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Animal information


Located At: Clinton County SPCA
Description: My name is Legend.
I am a male, black and brown Mixed Breed mix.

Age: The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Nov 29, 2021.
L-E-G-E-N-D has been waiting patiently for 3 years for a family to call his own. He is full of love and energy, and he's ready to shower his new family with affection.
Why Legend is the right fit for the perfect home:
*Playful and Energetic: Legend loves to run and play, so he'll need a home with plenty of space, like a big yard or opportunities for frequent walks.
*Trainable and Eager to Please: He's been working hard with a trainer and is always excited to learn new things.
*Water-Loving Pup: Legend loves to cool off in water, so a pool or nearby water source would be a dream come true.
*Needs a Loving Home: He'd thrive as the only pet in a home where he can receive all the love and attention he deserves.
??DOG by DOG - non dominant low energy / patient (currently working through this)
??KIDS 12+
If you're looking for a loyal and energetic companion, Legend could be the perfect match for you. Come visit him today and let's make his dream of a forever home come true!

Data Updated: This information was refreshed 8 hours ago.
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Shelter information
Location: Clinton County SPCA
Phone Number: (570) 748-4756
Address: 33 Mill Hill Road
Lock Haven, PA 17745

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