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Animal information


Located At: Clinton County SPCA
Description: My name is Wilson "Buddy".
I am a male, brindle and white American Staffordshire Terrier mix.

Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 3 months old.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Jul 30, 2023.
Wilson, a playful and energetic dog, is patiently waiting for a loving family to call his own. He's been in a kennel for too long and would love nothing more than a cozy home to call his own. Wilson is a ball of energy who loves to run and play fetch. He would be the perfect companion for an active family. Although he can sometimes get overstimulated, he would thrive in a home without cats.

Data Updated: This information was refreshed 8 hours ago.
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Shelter information
Location: Clinton County SPCA
Phone Number: (570) 748-4756
Address: 33 Mill Hill Road
Lock Haven, PA 17745

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