Details for 2460188
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Animal information
Date: I have been lost since Jun 19 2022 .
Description: I am described as a male Domestic Shorthair.
Details: Please help us find our friendly indoor/outdoor neutered (male) cat. He is microchipped. He is mainly white with fawn colored markings on his face, back and tail. He is taller than the average cat. Before he went missing he weighed 18 pounds. He is fully grown, but as a heart of a kitten.
Details: Please help us find our friendly indoor/outdoor neutered (male) cat. He is microchipped. He is mainly white with fawn colored markings on his face, back and tail. He is taller than the average cat. Before he went missing he weighed 18 pounds. He is fully grown, but as a heart of a kitten.
Age: I am an older animal.
Location Lost: Corona Ca Corona, CA
Contact poster
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