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Animal information


Located At: San Antonio Animal Care Services
Description: I am a spayed female, brown and black German Shepherd Dog blend.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 8 months old.
More Info: I have a possible foster waiting for me, but you may still submit an application to adopt or place a confirmed rescue hold. To adopt or to place a confirmed rescue hold: Connect with ACS

I was found and am currently at San Antonio Animal Care Services. If you believe you may be my owner please make arrangements to pick me up before 4:30 PM on 06/06/2024 or go straight to ACS as soon as possible. For more information on reclaim procedures and requirements, complete the contact form here (Connect with SAACS) and include the 6 digit ID number above. I will need confirmed adoption, foster or rescue placement by 10am on 06/07/2024. Adoption, Foster, Owner Reclaim, or other questions: Connect with ACS

From the Foster:
Hi, My name is Maya! I’m an energetic pup who loves to run play and adventure. I don’t do well in cages and definitely need another dog to keep me company but I will cuddle and snuggle with you all day long.

Data Updated: This information was refreshed 21 minutes ago.
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Shelter information
Location: San Antonio Animal Care Services
Address: 4710 State Highway 151
San Antonio, TX 78227

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