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Animal information


Located At: San Antonio Animal Care Services
Description: I am a spayed female, tan and white Australian Cattle Dog blend.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 6 months old.
More Info: I have a possible foster waiting for me, but you may still submit an application to adopt or place a confirmed rescue hold. To adopt or to place a confirmed rescue hold: Connect with ACS

I was found and am I currently at San Antonio Animal Care Services. If you believe you may be my owner please make arrangements to pick me up as soon as possible before 4:30 PM on 04/20/2024. I will need confirmed adoption, foster or rescue placement by 10 am on 04/21/2024. Adoption, Foster, Rescue, or Owner reclaim Questions: Connect with ACS

Introducing Charlotte, a two-year-old mama dog with a heart full of love! Charlotte has gracefully raised six adorable puppies and is now eagerly seeking her own forever family. While she may feel a tad nervous on the leash, her curiosity and excitement shine through when she's in the play yard, relishing every moment of exploring the great outdoors. Charlotte's affectionate nature knows no bounds, as she happily accepts treats and melts under the gentle touch of pets and scratches. With her maternal duties fulfilled, Charlotte is now ready to embark on a new journey, one filled with love, companionship, and plenty of adventures alongside her forever family.

Data Updated: This information was refreshed 15 minutes ago.
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Shelter information
Location: San Antonio Animal Care Services
Address: 4710 State Highway 151
San Antonio, TX 78227

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