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Animal information


Located At: San Jose Animal Care Center
Description: My name is Quintin.
I am a neutered male, tan and white Pit Bull Terrier.

Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 4 months old.
Found At: I was found at 3Rd St / Keys St
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Mar 15, 2024.
12/19/24 02:42
Doggy Day Out Report:

Today I: Went on a walk around downtown Willow Glen! I saw a lot of people and other dogs, and I got compliments on how cute I am. I loved sniffing everything, but I also loved getting cuddles from my walker and hanging out in the park.
Three Words to Describe Me are: Affectionate, patient, energetic
Notes from My Walker: Marble is a sweetheart! He is still a puppy so he has a lot of energy and is still learning some things (like how to get in and out of a car), and he is pretty good at “sit”. He gets the hang of things quickly. He is super affectionate - he’ll stop and turn to you on walks because he wants to be pet. He got more cuddles every time we took a break.

Data Updated: This information was refreshed 35 minutes ago.
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Shelter information
Location: San Jose Animal Care Center
Address: 2750 Monterey Road
San Jose, CA 95111

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