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Animal information


Located At: Santa Fe Animal Shelter
Staff named me Sprout and I am a spayed female, black Mixed Breed.

Age: The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 9 months old.
More Info: I am happy in my new home!
I was lost but my owner has not found me.

Meet snorty, snuggly, cuddle bear Sprout! This 3-year-old, 45 pound girl has big lap dog dreams and would be a perfect fit for any family. Sprout is house-trained and happily sleeps in her own bed. She loves her doggy friends and is a joyful playmate, always ready to roll over for belly rubs. She adores people, including kids!

Sprout has been lucky enough to stay in a few foster homes recently, and one of them ran an Embark DNA test: turns out, she's have Olde English Bulldog, with the other half a mix of Australian Cattle Dog and Australian Shepherd. This mix makes Sprout extra smart - she's learned lots of tricks, including Lay Down and Spin! All of Sprout's fosters report she has beautiful leash manners, enjoying short, sniffy walks followed by cozy naps. Overall, she’s an easygoing, lovable companion. Check out the video below for highlights from her recent spa day!

Sprout’s adoption fee has been waived thanks to wonderful company Pacifico. She is spayed and microchipped and has age-appropriate vaccinations. A licensing/microchip fee may apply. Sprout is currently resting in foster. If you are interested in meeting Sprout, please contact New Hope at Thank you!

Santa Fe Animal Shelter is proud to partner with GoodPup! Dogs learn best in familiar, comfortable environments with few distractions, so GoodPup training happens at home. Short, focused sessions allow your dog to concentrate and guided daily practice quickly cements new skills. Meet with a top-rated, expert dog trainer each week, on 1-1 video calls, while learning essential skills that solve any unwanted dog behavior. Best of all, anyone who adopts a dog from us will receive 1 FREE week of dog training, plus 10% off for life on future activity. In addition, GoodPup will donate to the SFAS! Learn more at

Data Updated: This information was refreshed 51 minutes ago.
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Shelter information
Location: Santa Fe Animal Shelter
Phone Number: (505) 983-4309
Address: 100 Caja del Rio Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507

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