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Animals: 61 - 90 of 400

Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: CAT
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Schnauzer - Miniature
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Schnauzer - Miniature
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Schnauzer - Miniature
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: CAT
Days Out: 4
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Manx
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 5
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 5
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 5
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 5
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 6
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Labrador Retriever
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 6
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 6
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Siberian Husky
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 6
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Labrador Retriever
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 6
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 6
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Australian Cattle Dog
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Great Pyrenees
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Siberian Husky
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Alaskan Husky
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Australian Shepherd
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 7
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
Gender: Female
Client: BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Animal Type: DOG
Days Out: 8
Location: Shelter
Lost or Found: FOUND
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
ViewType: found
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