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Animal information


Located At: Foster Home
Description: Currently In Foster
My name is Ron*.
I am a neutered male, black and white Chinese Sharpei and Pit Bull Terrier.

Weight: I weigh approximately 65.00 lbs.
Age: The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 11 months old.
More Info: I have been at the shelter since Apr 29, 2024 and am ready to go home today!
I am currently in foster care but am available for adoption! If you are interested in adopting me, please email
If you are interested in adopting this pet, visit us during regular business hours. Please email for any questions regarding the adoption process.
If you believe this is your lost pet, come down during regular business hours to reclaim or email with any questions.

Bio: Hey there, my beautiful peeps! My name is Ron and I’m on the lookout for my forever home. Just wait ‘til you hear all about me! Then join the throngs of peeps waitin’ in line to meet me! First off, I’m the most handsomest stud muffin you’ve ever set your eyes on. Trust me. Adorbs. I’m a sleek, shiny black gentleman with the most wicked-cool white spots strategically positioned on my gorgeous chest and the tips of my tippy toes. If my “I wuv you so much” eyes don’t make you instantly fall in love with me, my cute little flip-floppy ears and smoosh face will leave you completely gobsmacked! Whad I tell ya’? Adorbs.

I’m a fairly young dude and am the perfect combo of gentle, laid-back couch potato and medium energy doggo. Like, if you wanna’ hang out on the sofa and give me lots of pets and cuddles, I’m all over that. I’ll even lay my head in your lap. How cute is that? Some peeps have said I’m a Velcro dog (whatever that means); all I know is hanging out with hoomans is like my favoritest thang evah! I’m a friendly gentleman and will give little tail wags when I meet new doggos and peeps. I get along with most doggies and would love a doggie brother or sister if you already have one! I am very curious about those kitty-cat creatures, maybe too curious, if you know what I mean, so it’s probably best if you didn’t have any of those in your house.

I enjoy a good long walk and like doing some zoomies around the back yard. I’m used to being outside but I know not to go potty in the house and know all about those doggie doors. I’m learning all about “inside things” and some are very, very strange. Like, there’s this black box that has pictures and movies on it that is just so interesting. I try to figure it out by staring at it and tilting my head back and forth, but it’s still a mystery to me. Like, what the heck? Then there’s this other weird thing that’s like a big floor sucking machine that makes noise and just confuses the heck outta’ me. I’m not quite sure how to get up on the couch or the bed by myself so if you don’t want me there, you’ve got no worries. Built in compliance! But if you do, I’m down for learning all about that!

I’m good on the leash and will walk with you like a good boy. I know what “sit” means, especially if you have a treat in your hand. I also know what “No” means and I’ll stop doing whatever it is that I’m doing when you say it. I’m not crazy about being left alone but give me a chewy and I can entertain myself for a few hours until you get home. Who’s a good boi? All in all, I’m just about the most perfect, handsome dude you’ve ever met. Come meet me and find out for yourself!

Data Updated: This information was refreshed 23 minutes ago.
Shelter information
Location: Pima Animal Care Center - Tucson
Address: 4000 North Silverbell Road
Tucson, AZ 85745

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