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Animals: 1 - 17 of 17

Animal ID: 2842263
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 3
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2840754
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 6
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2839374
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 11
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2837838
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 17
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2837920
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 18
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2833817
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 25
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2833827
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 25
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2831670
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 28
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2837148
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 28
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2839096
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 28
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2832392
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 29
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2832032
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 32
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Siamese
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2834976
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 33
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2827592
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 61
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Domestic Longhair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2820776
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 62
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Shorthair
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2825248
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 63
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Siamese
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2793426
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: cat
Days Out: 118
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Domestic Mediumhair
ViewType: lost
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