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Animals: 1 - 16 of 16

Animal ID: 2842673
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 1
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Shih Tzu
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2842103
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 2
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Basenji
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2842518
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 2
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Basenji
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2840706
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 7
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: American Pit Bull Terrier
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2838729
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 10
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Pug
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2841124
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 10
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Pug
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2838686
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 13
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Chihuahua - Smooth Coated
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2835828
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 19
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Korean Jindo
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2830442
Gender: Unknown Gender
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 30
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Poodle - Miniature
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2829883
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 32
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Dachshund
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2829532
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 35
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Australian Cattle Dog
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2825395
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 43
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2836110
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 50
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Chihuahua - Smooth Coated
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2732636
Gender: Female
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 241
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Shih Tzu
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2747541
Gender: Male
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 247
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Siberian Husky
ViewType: lost
Animal ID: 2835100
Gender: Unknown Gender
Client: Public
Animal Type: dog
Days Out: 398
Location: Public
Lost or Found: LOST
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
ViewType: lost
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